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  • Europejska Aprobata Techniczna: ETA-16/0189, (25/09/2023)

  • Certyfikat Stałości Właściwości Użytkowych: 1488-CPR-0579/W

  • Europejska Deklaracja Właściwości Użytkowych: DoP CC-009-1-2023-06-02

  • Klasa odporności ogniowej: do EI 180 C/U, U/C

  • Reakcja na ogień: B-s2, d0

  • Kolor: srebrny

  • Klasa środowiska: Z2

  • Zakres temperatury przechowywania: od +5°C do +30°C

  • Okres trwałości do aplikacji: brak limitu, nie dłużej niż 24 miesiące

  • Opakowanie handlowe: 1 sztuka

  • CarboCollar CC leaflet

  • CarboCollar CC S 110 manual

  • CarboCollar CC S 200 manual


Steel segment cover

2 meters for CC S 110; h = 60 mm
2 meters for CC S 200; h = 60 mm


Intumescent insert

2 meters 60 x 6.5 mm for CC S 110
7 meters 60 x 4 mm for CC S 200


Fastening elements

30 pcs for CC S 110
18 pcs for CC S 200


Connecting elements

15 pcs for CC S 110
3 pcs for CC S 200

Two set are available: The CC S 110 set for the construction of CarboCollar 110 fireproof collars and smaller dimensions and the CC S 200 set for the construction of CarboCollar CC 200 fireproof collars and smaller sizes with a height of 60 mm. The set also allows for the construction of U-shaped fireproof collars that can be used on pipe elbows and fittings, and closed fireproof collars for sealing several pipes next to one another. Properly constructed CarboCollar CC fireproof collars with the S segment cover meet the ETA requirements and are an ideal solution when we have to protect many pipes of different diameters or a sealing placed on the pipe fitting is required.

CarboCollar CC fireproof collar with the S segment cover is delivered in the form of sets enabling each trained person and having a Carboline Polska Contractor's License to make the collars on their own in accordance with the attached manufacturer's instructions.
CarboCollar CC sets with S segment cover make it easy and quick to assemble the required dimensions of CarboCollar CC fireproof collar at the point of installation on the pipe (e.g. on a construction site). It is enough to break off the appropriate number of segments of the segment cover indicated in the table below, attach the connecting elements at its ends, and install the fastening elements on the appropriate segments of the cover (the number of fastening elements depends on the size of the fireproof collar). The intumescent insert should be placed in such a cover and it's ready. In the case of fireproof collars 125 and larger, the intumescent insert is first wrapped on the pipe and then the prepared segment cover is placed on it. A detailed assembly diagram is in the box, in the instructions attached to the sets. 
Fireproof collars are delivered without expansion anchor bolts. Already assembled fireproof collar is placed around the pipe, closed and then attached to the partition by means of fastening elements, the number of which is given in the table. When constructing and installing fireproof collars, CC-IM1 / CC-IM2 assembly instructions attached to the fireproof collar must be strictly followed.
Expansion anchor bolts are a separate product and can be delivered with a set on request.

CarboCollar CC fireproof collars with the S segment cover are intended for fireproof sealing of installation penetrations through walls or floors, through which pipes with a diameter of ≤ 160 mm are made of:

  • plastics (PVC, PP, PE-HD, PE, ABS, SAN + PVC),

  • copper, steel and cast iron in flammable insulation or pipes made of:

  • PVC with cables with PVC insulation running inside the PVC pipe, - PVC with PP pipes running inside the PVC pipes, insulated with an elastomeric foam cover (FEF - eg Kaflex, Armaflex).

The thickness of the partition through which the installations are led should not be less than:

  • 100 mm - rigid walls, made of cellular concrete, combustible brick, perforated or checkered walls,

  • 125 mm - flexible walls, walls made of cellular concrete, solid brick, perforated or checkered walls,

  • 150 mm - walls made of cellular concrete, fire bricks, holes or a grid,

  • 150 mm - floors - concrete or reinforced concrete.

The thickness of the partition through which the installations are led should not be less than:

  • 100 mm - (flexible) walls made of plasterboards, type F or DF,

  • 125 mm - flexible walls, walls made of cellular concrete, solid brick, perforated or checkered walls,

  • 150 mm - walls made of cellular concrete, fire bricks, holes or a grid,

  • 50 mm - floors - concrete or reinforced concrete.

From the table below (column 3), read the correct length of the segment cover for the given collar diameter and break it off
Place the fastening elements on the appropriate sections of the steel cover from below and bend the ends with pliers. Segment numbers are given in the Table "Mounting data for O-shaped fireproof collars" (Column 7)
Put on one end of the cover the connecting element securing the buckle and the connecting element with the mounting slot on the last segment of the cover. Install these components on top of the cover, opposite to the fastening elements, and bend  the ends
Read the appropriate
length of the intumescent
insert for a given diameter
from the table below
(column 4) and cut it off
with a knife
Place the intumescent insert in the previously prepared steel cover of the collar with connecting elements and give the whole collar a round shape.Stick the label and write the size of the collar

In case of the CC S 200 mounting set for the construction of CarboCollar CC S in the range from 125 to 200, the intumescent insert should first be wrapped four times on the pipe and then the prepared segment collar cover should be placed on it


Read the appropriate length of the segment cover for the given diameter of the fireproof collar from the table below (column 3)
and break it off.
Place the fastening elements on the appropriate sections of the steel cover from below and bend the ends with pliers. Segment numbers are given in Table 35 "Mounting data for U-shaped collars" (Column 7)
Read the table below "mounting data for u-shaped fireproof collars "(column 4) the appropriate length of the intumescent insert for a given diameter and cut it off with a knife
Place the intumescent insert in the previously prepared steel cover of the cover with mounting elements installed and give it a U shape
Fireproof collars prepared this way are ideal for installation on pipe elbows


Several pipes that run together can be protected with one CarboCollar CC fireproof collar with the S segment cover.
In this case, the elements that hold the fireproof collar together should always be on the longer, flat side of the fireproof collar. Always install one fastening element at the top of the oval part of the fireproof collar. There should always be at least 2 fastening elements for each pipe facing each other on the flat sides of the fire collar. Fireproof collars constructed in this way enable:


  • protection with one fireproof collar of 2 PP pipes running together next to each other with diameters up to 50mm

  • protection of a bundle of 3 PP pipes with a diameter of up to 75mm with one fireproof collar

  • protection on a set of up to 5 PP, HDPE, PVC pipes running together next to one another with the following diameters: PVC up to 40 mm , PEHD up to 40mm , PP up to 50mm 

CC - 200 fireproof collars with S segment cover can only replace CarboCollar CC 200 fireproof collars with 60 mm smooth cover. In practice, CC 200 firestop collars with the S segment cover can only be used for some pipes with a diameter of 200 mm and all pipes from 160 mm in diameter according to the data in the tables for CarboCollar CC fireproof collars with smooth cover.

CarboCollar CC with the S segment cover is also intended for the installation of U-shaped open collars, which enable the implementation of protection on the bends of flammable pipes. In this case, we do not use fastening elements. 
It is important that the mounting brackets are always installed on the first and last segment of the steel cover. The arrangement of the remaining fastening elements should be made according to the Table above (column 7).
When selecting the appropriate fireproof collar, remember that its diameter should always be greater than or equal to the outer diameter of the pipe bend. The fireproof collar can also replace the CC fireproof collars to the extent discussed above.


Construction of the CC S O-shaped fireproof collar:

Intended use:

Technical description:

Technical description
Intended use
O-shaped collars

CarboCollar CC mounting set with the S segment cover:

CC S mounting set

Construction of the CC S U-shaped fireproof collar:

Fireproof collars for several pipes running together:

U-shaped collars
Several pipes running together

CarboCollar U-shaped firesproof collars:

CarboCollar U-shaped
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