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What is it and how does fireproof mortar work?

Fireproof mortar - what is it intended for?

Fireproof mortar is used to protect the elements of reinforced concrete and steel structures against fire in the period of time required by the regulations. This time is marked with a capital letter R and the number of minutes, eg R120. It is a versatile system that is widely used due to its utility advantages (including durability), as well as speed and ease of implementation.

Fireproof mortar- main advantages:

  • the ability to efficiently and easily cover the structure, even with a large number of elements (e.g. rods) and complex structures,

  • speed of implementation,

  • small thickness of the insulating coating with an optimal level of fire protection,

  • sound absorption, which is why fireproof mortar is also used as acoustic plaster,

  • aesthetics of the protected elements,

  • for indoor and outdoor use,

  • low-cost fire protection.

Fireproof mortar - main features:

  • possibility of quick application inside and outside the facility

  • possibility of securing small elements

  • possibility of painting with topcoats

  • acoustic and thermal insulation

Specification of fireproof mortars

Fireproof mortars are a method of covering elements with a mass which is a mixture of light raw materials, most often perlite and vermiculite, with binders and modifying additives. The application is carried out with the use of plastering aggregates. The purpose of spraying is to increase the resistance of the structure to fire and high temperatures to which it may be exposed as a result of a fire. The spray coating creates a tight and compact layer on the surface, which serves as insulation, providing a passive shield against excessive heating. As a result, the load-bearing capacity of the structure exposed to fire is extended, which ensures the required safety time during rescue operations (it gives more time to react, e.g. evacuate people and secure devices and machines).

Depending on the selected fireproof mortar, this fire protection system can be performed both in open spaces and closed rooms, and even in the most demanding facilities (e.g. tunnels, petrochemical plants). Various systems in this field are currently used in construction. Specific properties are selected adequately to the specificity of the building and engineering facility as well as potential threats. Carboline Polska offers Perlifoc and Perlifoc HP fireproof mortars for fireproof protection of reinforced concrete and steel structures.

The appropriate thickness of the fireproof mortars protects the steel or reinforced concrete structure in the range from R30, R60, R120, R240 up to R360. In civil engineering, however, the most common requirements are to maintain the load capacity of 60 minutes (R60) or 120 minutes (R120).

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The structure is protected with fireproof mortar

After applying fireproof mortar to the structure, it can be slightly smoothed or left in the form of a lamb. But only in the form of a lamb does it retain its full acoustic properties.

The time needed to cure the fireproof mortar is approximately one month. After this time, the surfaces can be painted with professional acrylic paints using painting units.

Surfaces protected with fireproof mortar can be covered with drywall. However, it should be remembered not to disturb the structure of the fireproof mortar layer in any way.

Fireproof mortar versus intumescent fireproof coatings

The main advantage of the fireproof mortar technology over fireproof intumescent coatings is primarily the price, because the need for fire protection is reduced.

Fireproof mortar - wet or dry application

Application of wet fireproof mortar - fire-retardant protection of structures in very demanding conditions, application in this way indicates greater mechanical strength. Examples include: a chemical plant, tunnel, etc. Application technology for wet fireproof mortar requires a machine that adds water to the material. After application on structures, it has a 'mud' consistency, which makes it easier to smooth it with a trowel.

Dry fireproof mortar application - used on site, for fire protection in standard conditions. The application does not require large amounts of water, but generates a lot of dust.

Fireproof mortar - what can we protect with it?

One of the most important stages guaranteeing the durability and reliability of the system is the proper preparation of the protected surface. What's more, fireproof mortar allows us to protect even elements of reinforced concrete or steel structures with a very small cross-section.

Fire protection of steel structures:

Steel should be free from contamination prior to application of the fireproof mortar. The fire protection of the steel structure requires the determination of the corrosion class and the critical temperature of the steel. Based on these parameters, we can choose the thickness of the material that should be applied.

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Fire protection of reinforced concrete structures:

Before applying the fireproof mortar the reinforced concrete should be free from contamination, cleaned of loose elements and well washed from dust under pressure. Based on the thickness of the partition / reinforced concrete element and the reinforcement distance, we are able to determine the required thickness of the fireproof mortar.

Fireproof mortar applied to steel and reinforced concrete enables comprehensive fire protection of reinforced concrete floors with load-bearing steel beams.

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Fire protection of beam and ribbed floors:

The fireproofing of the floors requires the removal of impurities, cleaning of loose elements and washing with pressure from dust. The possible resistance class is R240.

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Fire protection of trapezoidal sheet floors:

Before applying fireproof mortar, the trapezoidal sheet should be free from contamination, dust-free and thoroughly degreased. fireproof mortar is applied to the floor and the trapezoidal sheet profile.

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Wooden floors:

Only and exclusively with the use of a mesh that forms a grate for the insulation coating.

Fireproof mortar is available for purchase at the Carboline Polska Company Store


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